HMS Pinafore May 2022

MOS is delighted to be performing Gilbert & Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore at the Bourne End Community Centre from 12th to 14th May 2022.

Our production team is Director Lucy Seymour and Musical Director David Batsman.

Ahoy shipmates! Come and sail the ocean blue with MOS this spring on the HMS Pinafore as we perform Gilbert & Sullivan’s ever-popular comic tale of forbidden love and class snobbery with absurd twists of fate. Captain’s daughter Josephine and lowly sailor Ralph love each other – but can their class differences be overcome, or will Josephine be forced to marry the pompous Sir Joseph Porter, ruler of the Queen’s navy? With the much-loved songs “When I Was A Lad “and “A British Tar” the show is filled with uplifting and joyful music and a shipload of satire on the British class system. Book now – you’ll be all at sea if you miss it!
Please note that due to unavailability of The Desborough Theatre, this production will now take place at Bourne End Community Centre.  Previously announced dates are unchanged.

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