Ruddygore Novemeber 2009
Cast List
SIR RUTHVEN MURGATROYD (disguised as Robin Oakapple, a Young Farmer) – Gareth Watkins
RICHARD DAUNTLESS (his Foster-Brother, a Man-o’-war’s man) – Gary Owens
SIR DESPARD MURGATROYD (of Ruddygore, a Wicked Baronet) – Mike Smith
OLD ADAM GOODHEART (Robin’s Faithful Servant) – John Sheppard
ROSE MAYBUD (a Village Maiden) – Cat Ellis
MAD MARGARET – Olivia Hunt
DAME HANNAH (Rose’s Aunt) – Lou Milward
ZORAH and RUTH (Professional Bridesmaids) – Sarah Seddon and Jenny Harris
SIR RODERIC MURGATROYD (the Twenty-first Baronet) – Mike Robinson
Chorus of Officers, Ancestors, Professional Bridesmaids, and Villagers
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